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Creative Transformations Ltd.
Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnosis is a psychotherapeutic method, but how is it possible to apply it to one’s daily life?

Self hypnosis is a tool that anyone can use to reprogram their mind for change. You can use it to relax, to slow your breathing down, to stop smoking, to lose weight, or to increase your self confidence. No matter what other goals you have set for your session, there is always the additional benefit of deep relaxation and stress relief. In a sense all hypnosis is self hypnosis because it is your willingness to go into a deep, relaxed state that allows it to happen. Of course, age regression requires a skilled hypnotherapist and should not be attempted on your own. Also, hypnosis must never occur in a moving vehicle—please, do not play hypnosis CD’s in your car! 

Is it possible to recall a particularly important event in one’s life through hypnosis?

Yes, it’s very common to access old memories from the subconscious and the emotions which were present at the time of these events. The subconscious is a lot like a computer in that it stores vast amounts of information. In hypnotherapy we’re able to retrieve pertinent aspects of that information and bring them to conscious awareness. It is also possible to recall events that you’re not consciously aware of because the subconscious has stored those as well.  

How does hypnotherapy work? 

Hypnotherapy is a completely natural, relaxed altered state. By slowing down your breath as you are guided into that stillness, your brainwave patterns slow down and you are able to access the state that we call REM which occurs naturally in the dream state. Once you are in that quiet place you have almost unlimited access to all the information that has been stored in your mind. You can then both program and deprogram your brain. 

It’s important to understand that the Hollywood version of hypnosis is greatly distorted. Following their first session, people will often ask “Was I really hypnotized?” because they expect to be unconscious. Hypnosis is not an unconscious state, it is a heightened state of awareness, which is very different from sleep.

Does the hypnotized person remember what happened during the therapy?

Most of the time the hypnotized person will be aware throughout the entire session, and of course, will remember it afterwards. With hypnosis you are simultaneously aware of inner experience and of being present in a room. Some people easily go into deep trance and can dip into very profound places, some of which they may not easily consciously recall, while others stay in a lighter altered state. However, the benefit of hypnosis occurs in both instances.

How can you avoid creating false memory?

It is very important that a hypnotherapist be aware of the language she uses when working with a client. Care must be taken to ask very simple, straightforward questions as opposed to leading ones which might influence the subconscious. In this way, there is a much greater likelihood of accurate response.

What method do you use to put a person in a hypnotic state?

Most commonly I modulate my voice so that it is relaxing and soothing, and the voice guides people into a hypnotic state. Another common method is a fixation technique, in which the person stares at a spot, or (as seen in films) a moving pocket watch, until the eyes become very heavy and close automatically. Getting into a hypnotic state is less important than what you do when you’re there — that’s where the real work begins.

How do you determine if someone is hypnotized?

If you are experiencing REM, you’ve entered a hypnotic state. If you’re deeply relaxed and your breathing and heartbeat have slowed down, you’ve also most likely entered a hypnotic state. Remember, hypnosis and meditation are very similar. 

Does it work on everybody?

Hypnosis will work on pretty much anyone who is open and who wants it to work. However, some people are visually oriented, while others have more auditory or kinesthetic imaginations. It is important to work with whatever kind of imagination you have, and over time you can learn to develop the skill of inner visualization. The words creative visualization are synonymous with self hypnosis.


"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.  
Albert Einstein

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Thomas Jefferson

"They can because they think they can."